
Nkemka Anyiwo

Scholar. Advocate. Artist.

Who am I?

I am a Nigerian-American woman driven by my passion for history, health, social justice, and the arts.  I earned my Ph.D. in Social Work and Developmental Psychology and my MSW from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I earned a BA in African American Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park. I am currently an assistant professor at Columbia School of Social Work.

As a scholar and youth advocate, I am dedicated to supporting Black youth in cultivating loving and culturally affirmed realities where they can holistically thrive. My research examines the cultural and communal influences that shape how Black youth 1) make meaning of themselves and their society and 2)  engage in practices to promote joy, social justice, and personal and collective wellness. Across this work, I engage media and creativity as a tool to foreground the lived realities and voices of Black youth.

My research is grounded in my own experiences as a youth organizer, an artist, and a leader. For more than a decade, I have served in several leadership roles in cultural and social justice organizations where I have designed initiatives aimed to promote political awareness, cultural empowerment, education development, and community healing.

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